The weather is nice and you have the whole weekend ahead of you. We’ll show you how to make your outdoor lighting dreams a reality. Just follow our landscape lighting guide.
A Landscape Lighting Guide:
Downlights are usually located high up on the eaves of homes or the branches of high trees. They illuminate the area below, creating a moonshine effect. They can be used to light up trees, walkways, and provide excellent security lighting. Surrounded by a metal encasing, these lights are safe and versatile. You can focus them wherever you like.
As the name implies, these lights shoot a narrow beam of light that can be noticed from far away. Have a statue or beautiful plant in your front yard? Well-placed bullet lights can add a beautiful effect to the exterior of your home.
Well lights are sort of like the opposite of downlights. They are located low to the ground, usually encased by metal underneath the soil. They are waterproof too, so you don’t have to worry about tripping over them or getting damaged by the elements (or your lawnmower). Often, these lights are placed underneath a tree or along the side of the house.
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This soft and subtle light is great for covering a significant amount of area with a less bright light. Garden fences and walls, as well as the sides of the house, are the most common areas for wash lights.
Think of wash lights, but only brighter. These lights are used to brightly light up a large area, about 40 degrees wider than your bullet light. These are heavy duty security lights. Some people use floodlights for their motion-sensor security lighting to create a dramatic warning to any trespassers.
This is the most straight-forward light. You probably have them already, if you have a garden, or at least have seen them before. They can be used to line walkways, create accent lighting for plants, and also to provide light for cracks or changes in the landscape.
Landscape lighting is a critical investment for your home. It isn’t just about keeping intruders from breaking into your home. It is about adding value, safety, and beauty to your home. Why have a beautiful home if you can only see it during the day?
Lighting Installation and Repair Services
So with the weather warming up and more time spent outdoors, are you satisfied with your outdoor lighting? Our staff of skilled local electricians in Jersey City, NJ will help you choose new outdoor light fixtures for your house. Choosing to install new lights on your property can help improve the appearance of your home. Give our technicians a call at (732) 638-4317 to receive help with an outdoor lighting project.